Controlled NOT gate:
⏐x, y⟩ → ⏐x, x ⨂ y⟩
Here ⏐0⟩ == [1 0] and ⏐1⟩ == [0 1] and ⏐ab⟩ = ⏐a⟩ ⨂ ⏐b⟩
Controlled NOT gate:
⏐x, y⟩ → ⏐x, x ⨂ y⟩
CNOT gate: to flip iff (if and only if) the control quit is |1>, otherwise it does nothing.
⏐+⟩ == [1/sqrt (2) * (|0> + |1>) == 0.707 |0> + 0.707 |1>
⏐-⟩ == [1/sqrt (2)] * (|0> - |1>)
X (a, b) = (b, a), NOT gate
|a, b> == |b, a>, see below qubit swap:
Vectors are commonly written in column format. Sometimes, we also use shorthand format such as (3, 4).
In quantum computing, the state |0> corresponds to vector (1, 0), and |1> corresponds to vector (0, 1).
Commonly used quantum gates, quantum circuit symbols, and math representations:
The Bloch sphere representation of X (NOT), H (Hadamard), and Z, S, T (phase) gates.
Developed by Phil Zimmerman in 1991. It combines symmetric, asymmetric (public key) encryption, hash, and digital signature all together providing confidentiality, integrity, and authentication. Good for email. The algorithm:
At the sender (Alice) side:
A quantum circuit is a computational routine consisting of coherent quantum operations on quantum data, such as qubits, and concurrent real-time classical computation. It is an ordered sequence of quantum gates, measurements, and resets, which may be conditioned on and use data from the real-time classical computation. A set of quantum gates is said to be universal if any unitary transformation of the quantum data can be efficiently approximated arbitrarily well as a sequence of gates in the set. Any quantum program can be represented by a sequence of quantum circuits and non-concurrent classical computation.
A quantum gate is a reversible (unitary) operation applied to one or more qubits.
Electronic computer: program --> instructions (operand and data) - binary bits
Quantum computer: program --> quantum circuits (quantum gate and quantum data) - qubits