Friday, August 28, 2020

Hashcat - Password Cracking

The labs shows how to crack hashed passwords using dictionary and brute-force methods on Kali Linux. 


sudo mkdir hashcat-exercise



echo -n salt [password] | md5sum

man crypt

man mkpasswd

A: Dictionary attack

Create text file test-dictionary with three words hello, wtaddtsbtk, dog in three lines. 

hashcat -m 500 -a 0 crack-these-please-md5 test-dictionary --force (cracked with 3 passwords)
hashcat -m 1800 -a 0 crack-these-please-sha512 test-dictionary (cracked with 3 passwords)

hashcat -m 500   -a 0 crack-these-please-md5     500_passwords.txt (cracked with 7 different)
hashcat -m 1800 -a 0 crack-these-please-sha512 500_passwords.txt (cracked with 7 different)

B: Brute force attack

openssl speed md5
openssl speed sha512

This shows md5 processes more data than sha512 in the same amount of time. 

hashcat -m 500 -a 3 crack-these-please-md5 ?l?l (mask ?l means one lowercase letter) return: w, ww
hashcat  -m  500  -a  3  crack-these-please-md5  ?a?a (?a all 95 characters on keyboards instead of 26)

Core attack modes

  • Dictionary attack - trying all words in a list; also called “straight” mode (attack mode 0, -a 0)
  • Combinator attack - concatenating words from multiple wordlists (mode 1)
  • Brute-force attack and Mask attack - trying all characters from given charsets, per position (mode 3)
  • Hybrid attack - combining wordlists+masks (mode 6) and masks+wordlists (mode 7); can also be done with rules